
Quince consejos para mejorar nuestro código y flujo de trabajo con R

La mayoría de los ecólogos que escribimos código informático para desarrollar nuestros análisis somos autodidactas. Nunca hemos recibido formación sobre buenas prácticas de programación. En consecuencia, nuestro código es a menudo ineficiente, …

Reproducible science: what, why, how

Most scientific papers are not reproducible: it is really hard, if not impossible, to understand how results are derived from data, and being able to regenerate them in the future (even by the same researchers). However, traceability and …

Workshop: an introduction to contemporary statistics using R

Next week I am teaching a course on statistical data analysis using R, here in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and other researchers with no or little experience in statistical analysis and/or R.