climate change

Unexpected westward range shifts in European forest plants link to nitrogen deposition

Climate change is commonly assumed to induce species’ range shifts toward the poles. Yet, other environmental changes may affect the geographical distribution of species in unexpected ways. Here, we quantify multidecadal shifts in the distribution of …

Relative decline in density of Northern Hemisphere tree species in warm and arid regions of their climate niches

Although climate change is expected to drive tree species toward colder and wetter regions of their distribution, broadscale empirical evidence is lacking. One possibility is that past and present human activities in forests obscure or alter the …

Widespread latitudinal asymmetry in the performance of marginal populations: A meta-analysis

Aim Range shifts are expected to occur when populations at one range margin perform better than those at the other margin, yet no global trend in population performances at range margins has been demonstrated empirically across a wide range of taxa …

The easyclimate R package: easy access to high-resolution daily climate data for Europe

In recent decades there has been an increasing demand in environmental sciences for harmonized climatic data at large spatial scales and long periods. Here we present easyclimate, a software package to obtain daily climatic data at high resolution …

Mapas de sombra

La sombra es un recurso escaso y muy necesario en la mayoría de ciudades y municipios. Este año -el más calido registrado hasta ahora- se estiman casi 5.000 muertes asociadas al calor en España.

CityShadeMapper: Create high resolution maps of shading/insolation in cities

Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change

Forest canopies buffer macroclimatic temperature fluctuations. However, we do not know if and how the capacity of canopies to buffer understorey temperature will change with accelerating climate change. Here we map the difference (offset) between …

ClimPlant: Realized climatic niches of vascular plants in European forest understoreys

Detailed knowledge on the climatic tolerances of species is crucial to understand, quantify and predict the impact of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions. However, quantitative data are limited; often, only expert-based qualitative …

Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies

Macroclimate warming is often assumed to occur within forests despite the potential for tree cover to modify microclimates. Here, using paired measurements, we compared the temperatures under the canopy versus in the open at 98 sites across 5 …

Niche estimation above and below the species level

Ecological niches reflect not only adaptation to local circumstances but also the tendency of related lineages to share environmental tolerances. As a result, information on phylogenetic relationships has underappreciated potential to inform …