forest dynamics

Ecology and conservation of southern Iberian forests

Investigating forest dynamics in the Strait of Gibraltar region.

Forest dynamics and climate change

Climate change, microclimates, refugia, and forest dynamics.

Impactos de la herbivoría por ungulados sobre la vegetación leñosa del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales

Diapositivas presentadas en las XII Jornadas de Flora, Fauna y Ecología del Campo de Gibraltar (Tarifa, Octubre 2017).

Investigating biodiversity responses to climate change: the benefits of hindsight (and a little bit of statistics)

New paper out in Nature Plants

We have a new paper out in Nature Plants: De Frenne P, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, De Schrijver A, Coomes DA, Hermy M, Vangansbeke P & Verheyen K. 2015. Light accelerates plant responses to warming.

Light accelerates plant responses to warming

Competition for light has profound effects on plant performance in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems. Nowhere is this more evident than in forests, where trees create environmental heterogeneity that shapes the dynamics of forest-floor …

Long-term hurricane damage effects on tropical forest tree growth and mortality

Hurricane winds can have large impacts on forest structure and dynamics. To date, most evaluations of hurricane impacts have focused on short-term responses after a hurricane, often lacked pre-hurricane measurements, and missed responses occurring …

Thermophilization estimation is robust to the scale of species distribution data

Publication metrics

Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming

Recent global warming is acting across marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems to favor species adapted to warmer conditions and/or reduce the abundance of cold-adapted organisms (i.e., “thermophilization” of communities). Lack of community …

An integrative framework to investigate species responses to climate change: biogeography and ecology of relict trees in the Mediterranean