Forest dynamics and climate change
11 September 2018
I am generally interested in forest dynamics, particularly in a climate change context. This includes research on plant demography, life histories, interactions with animals (particularly mutualisms) and the environment.
- Relative decline in density of Northern Hemisphere tree species in warm and arid regions of their climate niches
- An integrative framework to investigate species responses to climate change: biogeography and ecology of relict trees in the Mediterranean
- The Strait of Gibraltar as a melting pot for plant biodiversity
- Widespread latitudinal asymmetry in the performance of marginal populations: A meta-analysis
- Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change
New paper out in Nature Plants
We have a new paper out in Nature Plants:
De Frenne P, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, De Schrijver A, Coomes DA, Hermy M, Vangansbeke P & Verheyen K. 2015. Light accelerates plant responses to warming.
25 October 2015
2 min read
First citation to our letter in Nature Climate Change: can we use a simple indicator to assess community responses to climate?
Google Scholar informed me today that our commentary in Nature Climate Change about the complexities involved in assessing community responses to climate change just got its first citation, six months after being published.
21 February 2013
1 min read
Relative decline in density of Northern Hemisphere tree species in warm and arid regions of their climate niches
Although climate change is expected to drive tree species toward colder and wetter regions of their distribution, broadscale empirical …
Astigarraga J, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Ruiz-Benito P, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Zavala MA, Vilà-Cabrera A, Schelhaas MJ, Kunstler G, Woodall CW, Cienciala E, Dahlgren J, Govaere L, König LA, Lehtonen A, Talarczyk A, Liu D, Pugh TAM
Taking sides? Aspect has limited influence on soil environment or litter decomposition in pan-European study of roadside verges
In addition to well-known effects on species ecophysiology, phenology, and distributions, climate change is widely predicted to impact …
Amstutz A, Firth LB, Spicer JI, De Frenne P, Gómez-Aparicio L, Graae B, Kuś S, Lindmo S, Orczewska A, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Vangansbeke P, Vanneste T, Hanley ME
Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery
The relationships that control seed production in trees are fundamental to understanding the evolution of forest species and their …
Qiu T, MASTIF network, Clark JS
Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients
Lack of tree fecundity data across climatic gradients precludes the analysis of how seed supply contributes to global variation in …
Journé V, MASTIF network, Clark JS
Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change
Forest canopies buffer macroclimatic temperature fluctuations. However, we do not know if and how the capacity of canopies to buffer …
De Lombaerde E, Vangansbeke P, Lenoir J, Van Meerbeek K, Lembrechts J, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Luoto M, Scheffers B, Haesen S, Aalto J, Christiansen DM, De Pauw K, Depauw L, Govaert S, Greiser C, Hampe A, Hylander K, Klinges D, Koelemeijer I, Meeussen C, Ogée J, Sanczuk P, Vanneste T, Zellweger F, Baeten L, De Frenne P
Evaluación del estado de conservación de las Dehesas Extremeñas usando LiDAR del PNOA y el Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN IV)
Se evaluó el estado de conservación del hábitat de interés comunitario 6310 (Dehesas perennifolias de Quercus spp.) en Extremadura …
Lobo A, Duque-Lazo J, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Tomé JL, Bernal N
ClimPlant: Realized climatic niches of vascular plants in European forest understoreys
Detailed knowledge on the climatic tolerances of species is crucial to understand, quantify and predict the impact of climate change on …
Vangansbeke P, Mális F, Hédl R, Chudomelová M, Vild O, Wulf M, Jahn U, Welk E, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, De Frenne P
Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies
Macroclimate warming is often assumed to occur within forests despite the potential for tree cover to modify microclimates. Here, using …
De Frenne P, Zellweger F, Rodriguez-Sanchez F, Scheffers BR, Hylander K, Luoto M, Vellend M, Verheyen K, Lenoir J
Light accelerates plant responses to warming
Competition for light has profound effects on plant performance in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems. Nowhere is this more evident …
De Frenne P, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, De Schrijver A, Coomes DA, Hermy M, Vangansbeke P, Verheyen K
Long-term hurricane damage effects on tropical forest tree growth and mortality
Hurricane winds can have large impacts on forest structure and dynamics. To date, most evaluations of hurricane impacts have focused on …
Tanner EVT, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Healey JR, Holdaway RB, Bellingham PJ
Thermophilization estimation is robust to the scale of species distribution data
Publication metrics
De Frenne P, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Bernhardt-Romermann M, Brown CD, Eriksson O, Hermy M, Mitchell FJG, Petřík P, Van Calster H, Vellend M, Verheyen K
Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming
Recent global warming is acting across marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems to favor species adapted to warmer conditions …
De Frenne P, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Coomes DA, Baeten L, Verstraeten G, Vellend M, Bernhardt-Romermann M, Brown CD, Brunet J, Cornelis J, Decocq GM, Dierschke H, Eriksson O, Gilliam FS, Hedl R, Heinken T, Hermy M, Hommel P, Jenkins MA, Kelly DL, Kirby KJ, Mitchell FJG, Naaf T, Newman M, Peterken G, Petrik P, Schultz J, Sonnier G, Van Calster H, Waller DM, Walther GR, White PS, Woods KD, Wulf M, Graae BJ, Verheyen K
Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature
Macroclimatic variation along latitudinal gradients provides an excellent natural laboratory to investigate the role of temperature and …
De Frenne P, Graae BJ, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, Kolb A, Chabrerie O, Decocq G, De Kort H, De Schrijver A, Diekmann M, Eriksson O, Gruwez R, Hermy M, Lenoir J, Plue J, Coomes DA & Verheyen K
Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
The inherent variability of species’ thermal tolerances and the uncertainty in its estimation profoundly affect inferences about …
Rodríguez-Sánchez F, De Frenne P, Hampe A
Forest dynamics and climate change: a multiscale approach
30 May 2019
Berlin, Germany